WPaxos: Wide Area Network Flexible Consensus
Abstract WPaxos是一个多领导的Paxos协议,它可以在跨广域网的部署中提供低延迟和高吞吐的共识。WPaxos使用多个领导,在这些领导中划分ob...
Abstract WPaxos是一个多领导的Paxos协议,它可以在跨广域网的部署中提供低延迟和高吞吐的共识。WPaxos使用多个领导,在这些领导中划分ob...
Abstract Zyzzyva是一种使用投机来降低成本并简化拜占庭容错状态机复制设计的协议。在 Zyzzyva 中,副本响应客户端的请求,而无需首先运行昂贵的三阶段提交协...
之前对于Byzantine Paxos的理解完全建立在Youtube上Mu Shuai老师的讲解视频上,现在决定好好读一遍Lamport老爷爷的...
Problem In general blockchain, every single node is required to replicate, validate, store and maintain the states of all users in entire network. Solution This paper present a idea to divide the blockchain into different asynchronous consensus zones (multi-instanitiation of independent blockchain systems). Partitioning workloads of the entire network, distribute to zones. Parallelize blovk creation and transaction handling since we have multi-independent blockchain. To achieve linear scalability as the entire...
Abstract “Scaling blockchain systems under general workloads remains an open question”. The challenges of scaling are different between databasebases and blockchain since they have different failure models. The major contribution of this paper: Enhance the performance of Byzantine consensus protocols -> inprove the individual shard’s throughput. Design an efficient shard formation protocol -> leverage a trsted random beacon to securely assign nodes into shards. Design a general distributed transaction protocol...